United Trackerの書き込みにPsycleの紹介があり、
If you don't mind learning new command sets or a newpattern layout, and you want a Modular architecture (VST Plugins, etc), I personally recommend Psycle. Psycle is currently Open-source (currently under a Public Domain license), and about 4 known variations exist. Psycle (proper) is the main development fork. there is also a Japanese language port maintained by Watanabe (sp?), which is virtually identical to the main fork. There is also a second Japanese version called PsycleWTL, which supposedly has XM support, and a more powerful sampler. Unfortunately I have not been able to get this to work. Finally there is a 4th fork, to which the major updater has closed the source, which includes Multi-pattern sequencing... This is a controversial build though, and will not be endorsed by the main Psycle community unless source code and licensing gets straightened out (Community politics + Vague licensing policies = Potentially ugly situation).Psycleの4つのバージョンのうちの1つと認識されているようです。気になるのがこのバージョンをGetすることができないと書いてあることです。
(quote from: http://unitedtrackers.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=175)